
Showing posts from March, 2021

February Recap

Credit Website: Photo Credit: Jonatan Pie H ello everyone today is March 14, 2021.  I wrote this blog post on February 28, 2021. I know that I have not been posting lately, it's just that I just started my new job on Jan 31 and I have been working non-stop with two days off. I’m not complaining, I’m happy that I'm working again.  Originally, this post was supposed to be posted on March 7; but due to me having a really bad dry cough and other issues. I'm posting this blog post today. I'm feeling okay now, but I’m still trying to get rid of this random coughing fit. What has been going on? Let's see, since we didn’t get snow in December. We had our first big snowstorm in February, and we had several warm days. I have been catching up on my TV shows on my off days and watching youtube on weekdays. According, to the news we are supposed to be getting more snow in March. What’s New? My 90 days work probation will be ending in April and I will b