
Showing posts from January, 2022

My Most Anticipated 2022 Books Releases

H ello, welcome to the New Year of 2022. The month of January begins the new year and the start of brand new books releases, and the debut of new authors. Maybe this year you would discover new book series, trilogy, duology, or solo books.  Here is a list of my most anticipated book of 2022 Book Name: Omens Bite(Sisters of Salem #2)  Authors: P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast: Book Release date:  April 5th 2022 Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Pages: 320  “Something wicked this way comes…” Twin sisters, Mercy and Hunter are witches, direct descendants of the Goode family, the founders of their town. After the murder of their mother at the hands of a foul demon, they have become the protectors of the Gates to different underworlds--ancient portals between their world and realms where mythology rules and the darkest of creatures exist. Grief has taken a terrible toll on the twins. Rather than bringing them together, their sadness has torn them apart, driving Mercy to attempt to save the crumbling Gat