
Showing posts from October, 2023

Storytime: Flower's Seasonal Change

A s the flower's change due to each season, we are also changing. As we grow and develop as years go by, we tend to learn more about the people around us and how to keep certain people in our inter circle that support us, are loyal and trustworthy, and like you for who you are. Even though you may not see them everyday, you know they are there when you need them. Or maybe when just message or call them to see how they are doing. You may or may not like the same things, but when you come together you create some type of harmony together.  Be aware of thorns, meaning that you need to be aware of the people you allow into your inner circle. And be aware of people you call a friend, because everyone is not your friend.   Photo Credit: LKG A s the flower's change due to each season, you are also changing. As you grow and develop as years go by. You learn how to love yourself, develop self-confidence and self-esteem. This does not happen in a day or year. This process tends to take s

BookAkery Newsletter

Photo Credit: LKG H ello, readers. I hope you all had a wonderful summer with family and friends. Over the summer I greatly enjoyed completed reading some of my books on my tbr pile. I have even read books by new authors. I also, watched some new Asian Drama's, movies and Korean reality TV shows like, "Pink Lie;" In addition; I watched Shadow and Bones Season 2, Heartstopper Season 2, and Surviving Summer, etc..  Even, though I been busy with work, I still manage to have good a summer.😊   What’s New? Now let's welcome the season of autumn. The smell of pumpkin spice, leaves changing colors, autumn rain, hoodies, and new books. Today marks the end of September and the beginning of October. I really never celebrate Halloween, the only Halloween party I went to was when I was fourteen. When I had on blue jeans, a white shirt, while my hair was braided and wearing a silver tiara Anyway, there are a couple new books I want