
Showing posts from May, 2024

BookAkery Newsletter

  Photo Credit :LKG  H ello, readers, how are you all doing? I know that I have not been posting lately. I have been busy. Even though I have not been posting blogs, I have been reading books on my tbr list and I have also un-haul some books.  Today is April 23, 2024, and it's almost summer. Recently, my Chromebook started to have issues since it had fallen off the table last month.(March). I believe I have had my Chromebook for about 4 yrs. I'm going to need to buy a new laptop before it completely stops working. What's New? S ince the beginning of January 2024, I have been on my tea ban. It is now May 30, 2024 and in total I have been on my tea ban for about four  and a half months since I stopped drinking tea. As months passed I learn how to control the amount of much tea I drink.  Due to me working on campus, I get to have free coffee and food at the cafe. Even though I have the money to get coffee, I do appreciate this benefit. On May 14, I tried the White Chocolate Ma