
Showing posts from January, 2020

My Most Anticipated 2020 Books Releases

Credit Website: Photo Credit: Aga Putra It's a new year and that means a lot of new book releases. This year there are new releases from your favorite authors and debut books from new authors coming in 2020. Maybe your favorite book series is ending this year or maybe it's the continuation of your book series. It's a new year with new experience for new book series or solo books. Here is a list of my most anticipated book of 2020  Chain of Gold (The Last Hours, #1) by Cassandra Clare  (March 3)  Welcome to Edwardian London, a time of electric lights and long shadows, the celebration of artistic beauty and the wild pursuit of pleasure, with demons waiting in the dark. For years there has been peace in the Shadowhunter world. James and Lucie Herondale, children of the famous Will and Tessa, have grown up in an idyll with their loving friends and family, listening to stories of good defeating evil and love conquering all. But everything chang

Book Update ๐Ÿ“š

Credit Website: Credit:Nathan Dumlao, T his is my first book update of 2020. To start off, I have set my Goodreads reading goal for 2020. I am happy to say that I did finish reading War Storm (Red Queen, #4), by Victoria Aveyard, and Cursed by Thomas Wheeler and  (illustrator) Frank Miller. I also finish reading Lovely War, by Julie Berry in 2019. H ere is what I am Currently, Reading Fury (a mercy novel book 4) by Rebecca Lim One of us is next by Karen m. Mcmanus  H ere is what I Read  "Teen Titans: Raven" by  author Kami Garcia and (Illustrator) Gabriel Picolo    Again, but Better,  By Christine Riccio  Sincerely, LKG -------------- BookAkery: 

First Me day of 2020

S o, on January, 04 /2020; I was supposed to hang out with my friends at 1:00 p.m. to go get lunch downtown. Anyway I wanted to go downtown early so I went o Starbucks and found out the distance from Starbucks to the place we were supposed to meet up  for lunch. The restaurant we was going to is called "Brunch" Anyway, here I am sitting in Starbucks drinking my cappuccino and eating a chocolate chip cookie. And I get a message saying that one of my friends could not make it to hang out; therefore, going to lunch was canceled until all three of us was free to meet up. H owe ver, in the first place I had made plans that I would go downtown because I wanted to go outside to get some air cause I kind of got sick a few days after Christmas. Photo taken by: LKG N evertheless, my first "Me Day" of 2020 started in Starbucks at 12:21. After leaving Starbucks I got on the bus and went to Barnes and Noble. In that moment of walking to B&N, I realized that forgo

Hello 2020

Credit Website: https://unsplash,com/Photo Credit:Alex Blฤƒjan F irst thing I would like to do is wish everyone a Happy New Year's and I hope all your goals you set for this year come true.   Today is Monday 01/6/2020 and this my first post of the new year. It's a year for new   beginnings and new goals and old goals to be accomplished.  Sincerely, LKG -------------- BookAkery: