Book Update 📚

Credit Website: Photo Credit: Alina Sofia,
I know I have not posted anything in a while. I have been trying to get over a cold. Also, I'm having problems with my laptop. It keeps shutting down randomly. 

I would just turn it on and it would just shut off . So, I'm going to go get it fixed soon. At this moment I'm using another computer

Books I Read

  • "How to hang a witch,"  by Adriana Mather

  • "Haunting the Deep," by Adriana Mather

  • "Somewhere Only We Know,"  by  Maurene Goo

  • "Right Where I Want You," by Jessica Hawkins

Currently, Reading 

  • "Fury (a mercy novel book 4)," by   Rebecca Lim

  •  "Lovely War," by Julie Berry

TBR List:  24 books 
Reading Goal: 25/40 books





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