Hello, Everyone

Credit Website: https://unsplash.com/Photo Credit: Anatolii Nesterov 

I know it's been a while since I wrote anything on my blog. I have been sick and tired;  I have also been busy with work and reading books, and without a computer since my computer that mom had bought me stopped working.

So, the first thing I like to say is that I feel better now and I bought myself a new laptop.  Today is November 28 and I like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and even if you don't celebrate thanksgiving. I hope you found something you are thankful for.

I have not had any coffee in about 2 months and I had started back to drinking coffee this month. It might seem like a long time for people, but for me it's not because I went on a coffee ban back in 2015. I was on my coffee ban for about 2 years.  Recently I just started to drink coffee again in 2017. So, as of now I can manage  how much coffee I drink. 

What been reading or have read?  

I started back to reading "War Storm," so I should hopefully be done reading this book next month. I am also reading "Cursed," by Thomas Wheeler and Illustrated by Frank Miller. I have finished reading "Lovely War," by Julie Berry.

I hope everyone have wonderful day





