
Showing posts from 2020

Review: Soul of the Sword (Shadow of the Fox #2), By Julie Kawaga

Brief Information I summarize from the book: S o a  thousand years ago, warrior Kage Hirotaka made a wish to Harbinger of Change in order to seek vengeance for the one who killed his family. When the wish granted by the Harbinger of Change, the great Kami Dragon, a sword of rage and lightning was forged. Kamigoroshi, The Godslayer had only one task.The sword was supposed to seal away a powerful demon named Hakaimono. However, now he has broken free.  Yumeko is a half-Kitsune, she has one task to protect her piece of Thousand Prayers scroll and take to the Steel Feather temple to prevent someone from the Harbinger of Change, the great Kami Dragon. Because, whoever has all three parts of Thousand Prayers can  summon the Harbinger of Change, the great Kami Dragon in order to make one wish. However, a huge unexpected problem happens and now her and her comrades must hurry to save Kage Tatsumi of the Shadow Clan who is now possessed by Hakaimono and protect  her piece of Thousand Prayers sc

Mid-November Book Update πŸ“š

Graphic Novel   I read in November Almost American Girl: An Illustrated Memoir,  by Robin Ha (credited: Goodreads)   ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 stars  In the 1990s, Korea-born Robin and her mother usually went on vacations together. Being a single mother, Robin family doesn't fit the conventional mold. So when her mother takes them on a vacation to Huntsville, Alabama. Robin thinks everything is fine. Until, she abruptly found out the true reason why they permanently relocated to Huntsville, Alabama. Struggles with  extreme culture shock and isolation, until she discovers her passion for comic arts   Trigger warnings: being a child of separated parents, racism, bullying, abusive teacher, cheating, traditional and harmful views in regards to women and beauty My Review This my first time reading a memoir about Korean immigration. Almost American Girl: An Illustrated Memoir is a fascinating reading experience. It is a sad, happy coming of age story about finding who you are,

Stories I read in two months

Photo credit: DillPickle Photography, O ver the course of two months I have read the Simonverse Series by Becky Albertalli. The first book I read that was written by Becky Albertalli was “The upside of unrequited,”. I really did enjoy reading this book and I believe I would like the other books. You know when I read “The upside of unrequited,” I didn't know it was apart of a book series. So, I guess I actually read the second book in Simonverse Series. Nevertheless, let continue my journey through the Simonverse Series. Simonverse Series by Becky Albertalli Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda  ( Simonverse Series #1) Credited : Goodreads I really like Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda and I think this is a really well written book.. Simon was a great character and liked being able to read through his perspective. I like Simon’s close relationship with his family and friends. The little family moments had me laughing.  The whole guessing game when trying to figure out Blue's identi

Book Update πŸ“š

Photo credit: DillPickle Photography   H i , how is everybody doing? It's been a   while since I wrote anything. The weather has been nice.I actually went downtown  last  week, I went to Barnes & Noble. I   didn't buy anything, I just looked around   the ya section to see what books they got.    Also, I  went to Starbucks and bought a   Pumpkin Spice Coffee, and I donated two   books to the library. Just a side note, wherever you go just stay safe.                            Oh, Good news I finally set up a facebook page for my blog. H ere is books I read and the books I'm currently reading Lost "House of Night #2" by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast (read) Teen Titans: Beast Boy (graphic novel) By Kami Garcia and illustrator Gabriel Picolo   (read) Midnight Sun, by Stephenie Meyer (currently, reading) Queen of Air and Darkness, By Cassandra Clare (currently, reading)    Sincerely, LKG -------------- BookAkery:

June : Book Update πŸ“š

Photo credit: DillPickle Photography     T oday is July 3, 2020. The weather has been nice lately even though it's been raining a lot in June. In June I have read the following books:    Fury by Rebecca Lim    Pride by Ibi Zoboi    Broken Throne by Victoria Aveyard I have finally finished reading the Red Queen Series. Also, I have some good news; on August 4, 2020 Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyers will be released to the public. Many fans of Twilight are very happy. I have already per-order my signed copy of Midnight Sun.  Sincerely, LKG -------------- BookAkery:

Monthly Update

Credit Website: Credit:Karina Vorozheeva, H ello what's been going on. How has everyone been doing since the quarantine. I hope everyone is safe and healthy. Well today is May 1st and I know that I have not written anything in long time cause I have not been feeling like writing. I hope everyone is staying positive . πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ W hat have I been doing? I have been watching movies and TV shows on Netflix and Hulu. Also, I have been watching Asian Dramas; I mostly watch Korean, Japanese and Chinese dramas. In addition; I have been watching CWTV online to stream Riverdale  and Nancy Drew.   I've been watching and listening to anything related to Kpop and I have been watching my favorite Book-Tuber's, and  Kpop reactors reactions on YouTube. I also been watching cooking videos on YouTube. I have not been reading book that much. I mean that's okay I needed a break from reading. I actually  just started back to reading books last week. Lately,

Book Update πŸ“š

Photo credit: LKG It's March 23, 2020 and Chain of God by Cassandra Clare  came out on March 3rd. By the  time you read this post, I would have already bought a copy of the book. W hat I Currently Reading? I'm almost finish reading Fury by Rebecca Lim Photo credit: LKG Sincerely, LKG -------------- BookAkery:

Book Update πŸ“š

Photo Credit to H i it's February 17. It's been really cold outside and also last week it was  snowing for 2 and half days. In addition I have been dealing with a leg injury, as of now my leg is better it still hurts off and on; however I'm doing fine. I have been going to Stan's Donuts & Coffee. So fair I really like the Hot Chocolate,  Mocha, Chocolate Buzz (chocolate espresso cookie) and the bagels.  I have finished reading "One Of Us Is Next " by Karen m. Mcmanus . I really like this book. I'm not reading anything at the moment. I took a break from reading "Fury" by Rebecca Lim. I want to read  "The Beautiful" by RenΓ©e Ahdieh, "Lost" (The House of Night Other World Series) by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast, and "Thirst Series " NO. 1 (The last Vampire # 1-3) by Christopher Pike. However, I might read something different from the books I named. Find out what I'm reading in

My Most Anticipated 2020 Books Releases

Credit Website: Photo Credit: Aga Putra It's a new year and that means a lot of new book releases. This year there are new releases from your favorite authors and debut books from new authors coming in 2020. Maybe your favorite book series is ending this year or maybe it's the continuation of your book series. It's a new year with new experience for new book series or solo books. Here is a list of my most anticipated book of 2020  Chain of Gold (The Last Hours, #1) by Cassandra Clare  (March 3)  Welcome to Edwardian London, a time of electric lights and long shadows, the celebration of artistic beauty and the wild pursuit of pleasure, with demons waiting in the dark. For years there has been peace in the Shadowhunter world. James and Lucie Herondale, children of the famous Will and Tessa, have grown up in an idyll with their loving friends and family, listening to stories of good defeating evil and love conquering all. But everything chang

Book Update πŸ“š

Credit Website: Credit:Nathan Dumlao, T his is my first book update of 2020. To start off, I have set my Goodreads reading goal for 2020. I am happy to say that I did finish reading War Storm (Red Queen, #4), by Victoria Aveyard, and Cursed by Thomas Wheeler and  (illustrator) Frank Miller. I also finish reading Lovely War, by Julie Berry in 2019. H ere is what I am Currently, Reading Fury (a mercy novel book 4) by Rebecca Lim One of us is next by Karen m. Mcmanus  H ere is what I Read  "Teen Titans: Raven" by  author Kami Garcia and (Illustrator) Gabriel Picolo    Again, but Better,  By Christine Riccio  Sincerely, LKG -------------- BookAkery: 

First Me day of 2020

S o, on January, 04 /2020; I was supposed to hang out with my friends at 1:00 p.m. to go get lunch downtown. Anyway I wanted to go downtown early so I went o Starbucks and found out the distance from Starbucks to the place we were supposed to meet up  for lunch. The restaurant we was going to is called "Brunch" Anyway, here I am sitting in Starbucks drinking my cappuccino and eating a chocolate chip cookie. And I get a message saying that one of my friends could not make it to hang out; therefore, going to lunch was canceled until all three of us was free to meet up. H owe ver, in the first place I had made plans that I would go downtown because I wanted to go outside to get some air cause I kind of got sick a few days after Christmas. Photo taken by: LKG N evertheless, my first "Me Day" of 2020 started in Starbucks at 12:21. After leaving Starbucks I got on the bus and went to Barnes and Noble. In that moment of walking to B&N, I realized that forgo

Hello 2020

Credit Website: https://unsplash,com/Photo Credit:Alex BlΔƒjan F irst thing I would like to do is wish everyone a Happy New Year's and I hope all your goals you set for this year come true.   Today is Monday 01/6/2020 and this my first post of the new year. It's a year for new   beginnings and new goals and old goals to be accomplished.  Sincerely, LKG -------------- BookAkery: